Room Block Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Room block Management

Ever wondered how hotels can accommodate large groups of guests gathered for weddings, conferences or other events while providing a room to each individual traveler? It involves a very fine-tuned process known as room block management. What is a very common word in the hospitality world and how important this really is? Room block management … Read more

Will Instacart Deliver To A Hotel?

Will Instacart Deliver To A Hotel

It can be fun to travel, though there are difficulties, which are especially associated with the necessary meal. Sometimes, it is possible to be on a business trip, a family holiday, or just a transit and be challenged on how you can get your needful groceries. That is where Instacart steps into the scene as … Read more

How To Improve Hotel Sales?

how to improve hotel sales

In today’s world a number of establishments, especially in the hospitality industry, the goals of increasing the turnover is essential for the survival of hotel business. In owning or managing a small independent hotel or managing a big hotel chain, there is always the struggle of how to attain higher revenues while at the same … Read more