how to become a general manager of a hotel

How To Become A General Manager Of A Hotel?

General Management of a hotel can be regarded in the similar way to being at the helm of a ship. The GM directs the hotel to achieve success and guarantees that all organization units are optimized, guest satisfaction is high, and the hotel’s financial performance is solid. That is a job that demands an assortment of traits from the individual, including management and accounting, interpersonal skills as well as organizational and administrative skills.

But let us look at how to become a general manager of a hotel. The path is long and difficult, it is important to have a goal, never give up and have a plan for one’s professional progression. In this article, you will unveil the process of becoming a General Manager of a hotel as well as the key features to consider as well as the steps necessary to achieve such a post.

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Understanding the Role of a General Manager

Underpinning each efficient hotel business is a capable General Manager great for the job. The GM is almost, or is directly involved in, all aspects of the operation of hotels, be it through supervising employees, providing and maintaining the budgets or making certain that guests have a memorable experience. Leadership is at the heart of this role; a GM needs to motivate the workers, take vital decisions on priority and cultivate right organizational climate.

It goes beyond the implementation of day-to-day activities, but it also involves responsibility for decisions regarding growth, developing new ideas, and seeking for better opportunities with the hotel’s context.

Educational Pathways

Although, experience is very important, education is also very important when it comes to preparation for the GM position. Knowledge requirements specified for this position include qualifications in hospitality management, business administration or any other related field.

Also, the CHA or any other relevant course certification can be further useful for the candidates. It is also important to learn continuously; making sure to attend workshops, seminars and online courses will go a long way as it keeps one informed with the current trends in the industry as well as the current state of the market.

Gaining Experience in the Hospitality Industry

But in order to manage a hotel, one must know every nook and cranny of it. To achieve this one has to start by familiarizing himself with different departments in the hotel industry. Graduating from the ground up as a front desk, housekeeping or food and beverage personnel as a way of earning your way up enables you to gain a badGER understanding of how each division in the course of the organization works.

While advancing, you will change positions and may become a supervisor or manager of various departments, which will help recognize the management of a hotel with various lines of business. It makes a big difference when one is promoted to the GM in that they already have the practical experience of how everything operate.

Building Leadership Skills

Another factor that has been identified as necessary for any automobile company is leadership to announce its GM. Now it is not only about organizing the work process but making it fascinating and driving people to achieve the main aim. Leadership skills therefore imply an ability to influence others, to be able to delegate and coordinate and be able to make sound decisions. One can get the necessary experience from the chosen occupation and seek for a mentor, attend leadership meetings and gain knowledge from leadership books.

also for extra benefit while in the bachelor of business administration program, the practical experience gained while managing teams in a departmental manager position or while undertaking special duties in an organization will equip the candidates with sufficient preparedness towards the responsibilities of a general manager.

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Mastering Financial Management

Mastering Financial Management of the GM is one of the most crucial responsibilities that the GM is expected to discharge. This involves comprehending balance sheets, income statements and learning, how to control cash or funds and making major money-management decisions that affect the hotel at large.

There is therefore need for all those wanting to be GMS to have a good understanding of basic financial management concepts. This may require enrolling in classes in areas such as finance or interacting with the financial department of the hotel so as to get a better feel of the financial processes that are undertaken and their implications to the hotel’s success.

Focusing on Guest Satisfaction

Central to the operation of most establishments operating within the hospitality industry is the guest. It goes without saying that as a GM it is of paramount importance to guarantee that the guests staying at the hotel are happy and their experience is memorable. This includes cultivating an environment characterized by high levels of service, searching for ways to teach employees how to perform above par and being attentive to the customers.

It also involves the ability to handle guests’ complaints appropriately and save such feedbacks as a tool for enhancing service delivery. Basically, potential guests are well advised to look out for a good GM that, at heart, is a bona fide guest’s goodwill advocate.

how to become a general manager of a hotel
How To Become A General Manager Of A Hotel? 3
How To Become A General Manager Of A Hotel

Networking and Building Industry Connections

Networking is a critical element that helps one to progress in his or her career in the hospitality industry. Network with other professionals on the line of work, attend trade fairs and join professional bodies for the new opportunities and trends in the markets. Networking also enables one to share knowledge with people who have already set foot into the market wherein they offer you guidance when you are stuck at a certain level in your progression.

Emphasizing Strategic Planning and Innovation

  • Set Clear Long-Term Goals: Explain and list out the strategies that are long-term and direct toward the growth of the hotel and its success.
  • Monitor Industry Trends: Be aware of the existing and future trends and technologies to maintain a competitive advantage.
  • Implement New Technologies: Embrace the use of new technologies in the delivery of services to the guests, and improvement in business processes.
  • Encourage a Culture of Innovation: Encouraging new ideas is important because new ideas mean the possibility for new and better ways of doing things.
  • Adapt to Market Changes: Adapt to Market Changes: The Market situation adapts both to the changing market requirements and the guests’ new tendencies.
  • Optimize Resources: Strategies to ensure that the resources are utilized properly hence maintaining good profitability.
  • Evaluate and Adjust Strategies: Necessarily planned, controlled and evaluated on the basis of evaluation matrices and feedback from the market.

Developing a Personal Brand

Today, competition is stiff in the hospitality industry and, thus; enhancing a personal brand can enhance a person’s career. Your personal brand is your image in the eyes of the market – that is how people define you as far as your career is concerned.

The formulation of a personal brand means producing tangible outcomes, being active and professional on social networks and communities, and collaboration with peers. Having a powerful personal brand is beneficial since it will create more opportunities for the professional and will set him or her apart from the numerous competitors.

Understanding Global Hospitality Trends

Currently, more and more hotel industries are becoming globalized whereby trends and practices are imported from different parts of the world. Knowledge of such trends as sustainable tourism, innovative use of the digital environment for guests, and prominent focus on personalized services helps to have a competitive advantage. It is necessary for a GM candidate to work towards incorporating these trends in the functioning of his/her hotel business.

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Climbing the Career Ladder

Advancement to the next level in hospitality career involves experience, education and making the right career move. When in service to different positions, it is always advisable to look for a chance to grow in rankings for example looking for promotions either in the same hotels or even moving to other hotels that can offer one more challenging tasks.

To be ready for the position of GM, one has to advance through various management positions in the hotels and achieve exposure in all of the operations of the hotels and expensive improvement of both leadership and financial management.

Preparing for the GM Interview

Applying for a GM’s job is very sensitive and thus when preparing for the interviews is important. The questions that are commonly asked during the interview include your years of service in the management of hotels, your management style, and your problem solving skills with regard to financial as well as operational issues.

You have to reveal all the previous experience, skills, and accomplishments, and the market analysis of the hotel as well as the future development plan. Rehearsal of the answers along with some examples of your accomplishments increases your chances of making a great first impression.

Challenges and Rewards of Being a GM

Being a general manager of the hotel has its bit of challenges, having to deal with a lot of people from the staff, to guests to inventors to having the financial health of the property. However, the availability of such incentives can also be of the same proportion.

There are several benefits of this position which include the opportunity to lead and manage a successful hotel, the pleasure of positively influencing the guests’ and staff’s lives, and the personal and professional development. It is quite a demanding job which however is very rewarding and there are immense potential embedded in the sector for anybody willing to venture.


It is therefore crucial for any person who wishes to become a General Manager of a hotel to show commitment, work hard and most importantly to have a proper ladder towards reaching the position. In this profession, every stage starting from gaining experience in different departments of a hotel up to leadership and financial skills is essential to be successful in this position. In this regard, keeping your focus, learning, and networking, eventually step into the prestigious role of a General Manager.

Which Skills Will One Need to Acquire as a GM?

Leadership, financial management, strategic planning and guest relations are key skills expected of a resort manager as well inspiration to motivate and oversee the division in working effectively.

How much does a hotel GM get paid?

The average hotel GM salary is from $70 000 to $150 000 a year though it depends on the hotel’s size, location, and luxury level.

Do you need a degree to be the GM of a hotel?

Though a degree is clearly not mandatory, it would prove to be super beneficial Tourism or Hospitality Management major could really help. In addition, certifications can amp up your qualifications.

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